Measurement range and accuracy of HR (This item is corresponding part of as per production standard)




    ECG alarm limit accuracy (This item is corresponding part of as per production standard)

    Gain control and stability test (This item is corresponding part of as per production standard)

    The Measurement Mode: Gain Control Function

    HR alarm start-up time detected (This item is corresponding part of;; as per production standard)

    The Measurement Mode: Time of Starting Alarm After Asystole Happened, while the HR Alarm Set is 60bpm

    Measurement for HR range (This item is corresponding part of 4.4.4 as per production standard YZB/0038-2011)

    The Measurement Mode - Adult

    The Measurement Mode - Paediatric

    Actual Result Pass / Fail

    The Measurement Mode - Neonate

    SPO2 (This item is corresponding part of 4.4.6 include as per production standard)

    Signal Simulation Resource Set: 75bpm 60%

    Signal Simulation Resource Set: 75bpm 65%

    Signal Simulation Resource Set: 75bpm 70%

    Signal Simulation Resource Set: 75bpm 80%

    Signal Simulation Resource Set: 75bpm 98%

    Signal Simulation Resource Set: 75bpm 100%

    PR test (This item is corresponding part of 4.4.7 include as per production standard )

    PR measurement range and accuracy
    Signal Simulation Resource Set: 25bpm 98%

    Signal Simulation Resource Set: 30bpm 98%

    Signal Simulation Resource Set: 60bpm 98%

    Signal Simulation Resource Set: 120bpm 98%

    Signal Simulation Resource Set: 200bpm 98%

    Signal Simulation Resource Set: 200bpm 98%

    Signal Simulation Resource Set: 250bpm 98%

    Normal working status display test (This item is corresponding part of 4.6 as per production standard)

    Operation: Connecting Spo2 probe with monitor to measurement signal, it should be display Spo2 value, PR value, Waveform.

    Blood pressure Test (This item is corresponding part of as per production standard )

    Measurement Mode - Adult40~270 (Unit: mmHg)

    Simulation Pressure Measurement: 60/30(40)

    Allowable Deviation: ±3

    Simulation Pressure Measurement:120/80(90)

    Allowable Deviation: ±3

    Simulation Pressure Measurement: 255/195(215)

    Allowable Deviation: ±8

    Measurement Mode - Peadiatric 40~200 (Unit: mmHg)

    Simulation Pressure Measurement: 60/30(40)

    Allowable Deviation: ±3

    Simulation Pressure Measurement:100/65(75)

    Allowable Deviation: ±3

    Simulation Pressure Measurement: 200/150(165)

    Allowable Deviation: ±6

    Measurement Mode - Neonate 40~135 (Unit: mmHg)

    Simulation Pressure Measurement: 60/30(40)

    Allowable Deviation: ±3

    Simulation Pressure Measurement:100/65(75)

    Allowable Deviation: ±3

    Simulation Pressure Measurement: 120/80(90)

    Allowable Deviation: ±3

    Static pressure adjustment measurement ( (Unit:mmhg)

    Pressure Value(1) (100-120)(Allowable deviation ± 2)


    Pressure Value(2) (180-200) (Allowable deviation ± 2)


    Pressure Value (3) (250-270) (Allowable deviation ± 2)


    Temperature test(This item is corresbonding part of 4.4.8 include; as per production standard)

    Temp measurement range and deviation measurement

    Simulation Temperature Measurement Set: 25.0℃

    Allowable Deviation: ± 0.2℃

    Simulation Temperature Measurement Set: 30.0℃

    Allowable Deviation: ± 0.2℃

    Simulation Temperature Measurement Set: 35.0℃

    Allowable Deviation: ± 0.2℃

    Simulation Temperature Measurement Set: 37.5℃

    Allowable Deviation: ± 0.1℃

    Simulation Temperature Measurement Set: 40.0℃

    Allowable Deviation: ± 0.2℃

    Simulation Temperature Measurement Set: 48.0℃

    Allowable Deviation: ± 0.2℃

    ETCO2 Test(This item is corresponding part of per production standard)

    In the measurement range of 0-99mmHg, measured with standard 5% CO2 gas inspection tooling, there should be a corresponding value of end-breath carbon dioxide of 38mmHg ± 2 mmHg

    Measure the actual end-breathing carbon dioxide of the human body. The inhaled carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere should be 32-42mmHg

    Recorder Test(This item is corresbonding part of 4.6 as per production standard

    It should be able to record patient information, waveforms, parameters, etc. on the display screen, and print clearly, completely, and without garbled characters

    Open the printer door or remove the printer, the monitor will have a corresponding alarm prompt